Analyst Coverage

The following are some of the brokerage houses and institutions that regularly publish research reports on Infosys Limited. This list should not be considered as complete. Infosys disclaims any obligation to update these references or to include the complete list of brokerage houses and institutions. Infosys has no relationship with any of these institutions and makes no recommendations about any of these brokerage houses or institutions.

Infosys does not claim any responsibility to the research reports published by the brokerage houses and institutions and is an independent assessment by those brokerage houses and institutions. It is not intended to be a recommendation for financial investment in the company, but should be considered as a service that we offer for our readers and shareholders' convenience.

Shares listed in India | ADS listed in NYSE

Analysts covering Infosys' shares listed in India

Company name Analyst name Phone No.
Ambit Capital 91-22-6623 3295
Antique Stock Broking Limited 91-22-4031 3407
BNP Paribas Securities 91-22-6196 4350
BoFA Securities-Merrill Lynch 91-22-6632 8663
Citigroup Global Markets 91-22-6175 9870
Dolat Capital 91-22-4096 9771
Emkay Global 91-22-6612 1253
Equirus Securities Pvt Ltd 91-22-4332 0673
HSBC Securities 91-22-2268 1246
InCred Capital 91-96191 37983
IIFL 91-22-4646 4686
Investec 91-22-6849 7427
Jefferies 91-22-4224 6122
J.P.Morgan 91-22-6157 3595
Kotak Securities Limited 91-22-4336 0860
Macquarie 91-22-6720 4152
Morgan Stanley 91-22-6118 2237
Motilal Oswal 91-22-5036 2749
Nuvama Institutional Equities 91-97694 96559
Nomura 91-82912 05936
Phillip Capital 91-90338 18196
Sanford Bernstein 91-22-6813 3613
Spark Capital Advisors 91-44-4228 8151
UBS 91-22-6155 6065

Analysts covering Infosys' ADS listed in NYSE

Company name Analyst name Phone No.
BMO Capital Markets 1-212-885 4010
Cowen 1-646-562 1369
Baird 1-414-298 7494
Stifel Nicolaus 1-415-364 2541
Susquehanna Financial group 1-212-514 4739
Wedbush 1-917-340 3295