Driving Digital Transformation to Meet Customer Demands

The manufacturing industry is undergoing intense changes in response to many shaping forces. This includes new and emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, code manufacturing, and integrated workflows, processes, and data pipelines. While new technology is changing the landscape of the industry, the overarching factor affecting change in manufacturing is customer experience.

What does this mean for IT decision-makers as they lead their companies in modern, high-tech manufacturing?

For all, it means a move to the cloud if they aren’t fully there yet. It also means understanding the power of integration to weave the network of systems, applications, tools, and resources to truly drive efficiency, speed up product development, ensure adequate production, and ultimately, meet customer expectations.

In this eBook, we’ll explore:

Here are the key takeaways you can look forward to at the event

  • The major digital trends shaping the manufacturing industry
  • How manufacturers have adapted to change
  • How IT can support digital transformation

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