Access to good healthcare is often trying with unfriendly and expensive services. However, a new generation of consumers and digital capabilities are encouraging the consumerization of healthcare.

The future of healthcare will deliver integrated care at the convenience of the consumer at lower costs while accelerating delivery of high-quality services. Digital capabilities will help foster new patient-centric models that function well in a remote and hyper-connected consumer world.

Key Challenges

  • Need to meet a doctor for routine consultation and advice from a remote location
  • Need for a platform that enables secure and seamless consultation with the doctor

Ready to experience Infosys Meridian?


The Solution

Infosys Meridian for Reimagining Work Processes

Infosys Meridian provides a single platform for healthcare companies to offer a secure, interactive, real-time channel for remote medical consultation with seamless and quick delivery of services.

Medical consultation, at your convenience, with no hospital visits

  • Remote and comprehensive medical consultation through video interaction
  • Access to medical reports and use of other tools that enable doctors to share additional details and answer queries from patients with ease
  • Customer delight with a user-friendly and personalized experience


Medical consultation delivered with convenience

Single platform for remote, secure, and high-quality medical consultation

Single platform for remote, secure, and high-quality medical consultation

Seamlessly integrates with hospitals’ platforms and tools allowing completion of all patient-related processes such as access to medical reports, dispatch of prescriptions or disease management guidelines

Seamlessly integrates with hospitals’ platforms and tools allowing completion of all patient-related processes such as access to medical reports, dispatch of prescriptions or disease management guidelines

User-friendly, personalized interaction with doctors that helps deliver patient-centric experiences

User-friendly, personalized interaction with doctors that helps deliver patient-centric experiences

In-built features such as persona-based content, embedded applications, shared notes, whiteboarding makes the patient-doctor interaction seamless and exhaustive

In-built features such as persona-based content, embedded applications, shared notes, whiteboarding makes the patient-doctor interaction seamless and exhaustive