
The Infosys Agriculture practice boosts farm mechanization with automation and wireless technology. We use real-time crop and field-specific geospatial data to optimize application of agricultural inputs such as seeds, water and fertilizers. We combine image analytics, machine learning and predictive models to identify and mitigate crop stress due to lack of moisture and nutrients, and / or pest, weed or fungal infestation. ‘Intelligent’ farm machinery ensures timely and informed decisions in planting, irrigation and harvesting of crops.

Our real-time remote irrigation scheduler analyzes moisture content in the grain and soil vis-à-vis soil type, crop growth stage and weather data to recommend the quantity and interval of water supply. Significantly, it dynamically controls irrigation systems. Farmers and agricultural enterprises gain visibility into site-specific irrigation schedules and intervene when automated action is not necessary.

We integrate automation tools and mechanized methods to manage the crop lifecycle.


Infosys farm mechanization footprint


Challenges & Solutions

Cloud-based systems integrate real-time data from on-field sensor / actuator systems with weather forecasts for actionable insights.

Open source technologies and robust communication gateways rationalize costs while ensuring secure data transfer.

Web-based / mobile-enabled dashboards provide visibility into crop, farm and site activities.

Precision mapping supports variable rate technology for crop care and farm yield management as well as guidance systems to improve soil and crop health.