How Cloud is Transforming Help Desk Services

Help desks services have relied on the customer to reach out to them. As businesses grew, with hardly any emphasis on self-service or self-healing, scalability became a challenge along with increasing cost to maintain the help desks. However, with the shift in consumer mindset, help desks need to modernize itself. The help desks today need to focus on speed and agility.

In the article published on TECHCiRCLE, author Gaurav Dutt Uniyal - Associate Vice President and Service Management Head, Americas and APAC, Infosys, expresses the need for help desk to provide users with self-service options, persona-based services, omni-channel experiences, and a drive towards zero touch resolution. He goes on to explain that help desks are no longer limited to providing IT support to employees and how it has transformed into a critical business tool through which an organization can deliver superior customer service and drive better user experiences.

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