
Digital customer experience transformations need continuous re-inventing of context and content to bring the right orchestration between experience and innovation. With the proliferation of digital opportunities available, hyper personalized and channel less connected experiences are compelling drivers for customer satisfaction.

Accelerating Digital Customer Experience with Digital Process Automation


Infosys Fluid DPA, part of Infosys Cobalt, infuses intelligence into the customer journey tracking. It gives the flexibility to discover, manage and personalize customer engagements. With Fluid DPA’s sentient journey, enterprises can get perceptive experiences & responsive value chains.

Our solutions and frameworks are upheld with proven industry experience in building great digital platforms with personalized services and seamless cohesive experiences


Challenges & Solutions

Our customer experience solutions are based on a cohesive, well-built CX strategy integrating social media, web chat, email, phone, messenger platforms, SMS, voice-based cognitive virtual assistants, and real-time video chats. The solutions make it flexible to drive user experience consistently, regardless of channels.

Our Digital Customer Service solution is built with the power of interaction management, smart scripting, intelligent process guidance, context-sensitive views, and touch-friendly access from mobile devices. It enables service personalization to customers.

The solution allows users to enjoy the advantage of value-based service management & social engagement capabilities that allows real-time listening, analyzing, and acting on social posts.

Our Conversational UX framework helps enterprises rethink the way customer request can be addressed, by differentiating experience and service. It helps to build customer trust through true personalization.

Our Sentiment Analysis Dashboard helps enterprises understand customer sentiments across various channels, such as online communities, email, and helpdesk. With powerful analytics, enterprises can plan and track business decisions to convert brand adversaries into advocates.

Infosys Insights to Action Platform leverages AI and deep domain expertise for smarter decision making. Our solution platform can choose the next best action based on event processing, pattern analysis, action flows and suitability tests.

By embracing API economy intelligently in customer interactions, our Smart AI Driven Decision platform offers continuous improvements in every customer journey engagement. The pervasive strategy allows organizations to integrate people, process, and data as a reactive content from cloud or legacy and operationalize real time decisions

Our solution accelerator’s such as Retail campaign management, Intelligent B2B Order Management can enhance the instore – brand experiences with immersive emerging digital technologies such as AI, VR, AR, ML, vision to give smart, perceptive customer experiences in an adaptable digital platform powered by Fluid DPA