
While enterprises around the world harness AI's rapid advancements to unlock business value, they are also getting exposed to their fair share of risks like bias, security threats, privacy violations, copyright infringement, hallucinations, and malicious use, to name a few. Lack of transparency and mechanisms to enforce strong principles of Responsible AI are some of the key hurdles enterprises face.

The regulation and policy landscape is also evolving rapidly, and upcoming legislations like the EU AI Act are putting different obligations on all participants across the AI value chain to adopt specific standards and safeguards. It has now become imperative for enterprises to build technical and policy-driven guardrails to safeguard themselves against any hazards without which they could suffer from loss of reputation, incur hefty penalties from regulators, and face costly litigations from those adversely affected and cause irreparable harm to all stakeholders.

Infosys Responsible AI suite of offerings and services, part of Infosys Topaz, is designed to help enterprises navigate the complex technical, policy, and governance challenges related to embedding strong foundations of Responsible AI across the organization. These offerings have helped Infosys in its journey to become AI-first.

Infosys Responsible AI Suite of Offerings is built on the AI3S Framework, helping enterprises scope out, secure, and spearhead their AI investments.


Implementing Responsible AI in enterprises presents a unique set of challenges balancing innovation, ethics, legal compliance, and maximizing return on investments. Ensuring responsible AI practices throughout the supply chain, especially when using multiple AI systems, requires state-of-the-art technical, legal, and domain expertise.

Even with well-established guidelines and governance mechanisms, enterprises can encounter several challenges. Enterprises are caught in the “Responsible AI Gap” - an inability to translate principles and frameworks into tangible actions.

Our Responsible AI Suite is based on the AI3S framework of Scan, Shield, and Steer, built on an end-to-end autonomous platform approach to Scope, Secure, and Spearhead enterprises’ AI solutions and platforms.


We help our clients identify the overall risk posture, legal obligations, vulnerabilities, and threats arising due to AI adoption using a set of offerings named ‘Scan’ that collate information from multiple external and internal sources and create a single source of truth for tracking the risk and compliance status of all AI projects. Scan includes:

a. Infosys Responsible AI Watchtower for continuous monitoring of external facing events, such as regulation and policy changes, threats, vulnerabilities, risks, industry best practices, and technology advancements in the field of Responsible AI.

b. Infosys Responsible AI Maturity and Risk Assessments for gauging compliance readiness, discovering risks, analyzing gaps, and preparing roadmaps to scale Responsible AI in an enterprise.

c. Infosys Responsible AI Audit to ensure compliance with existing standards and regulations.

d. Infosys Responsible AI Control Center for internal telemetry and monitoring of compliance status of AI systems; sense and predict violations ahead of time, alert the right stakeholders, and stage interventions.

e. Regulation Readiness Consulting to be future-ready for upcoming regulations and third-party risks.


We offer our clients technical and specialized solutions, guardrails, and accelerators for protecting AI models from vulnerabilities. Our suite of offerings bundled under the name ‘Shield’ helps embed ‘Responsible by Design’ across the AI lifecycle. Shield includes:

Infosys Generative AI Guard Rails detects and mitigates anomalies corresponding to Responsible AI tenets and vulnerabilities in both the prompt and the output and acts as a sentient moderation layer to ensure safe and responsible use of Generative AI.

Infosys AI Model Security provides enterprise AI security solutions that detect different adversarial attacks on models like poisoning attacks, evasion attacks, inference attacks, injection, and more, and respond to them in real-time, reducing the threat surface of organizations.

Infosys Responsible AI Toolkit is a collection of specially designed Responsible AI pipelines and API endpoints that can be integrated for enforcing ‘Responsible AI by design’ principles into the AI lifecycle. This toolkit automates the tedious tasks of ensuring compliance, thus enabling data scientists and developers to focus on innovation.

Infosys Responsible AI Gateway brings together our domain expertise to redesign AI-powered mission-critical business workflows to reduce the propagation of AI risks downstream. It involves restructuring the business workflow to safeguard against AI failures by introducing safety aspects such as humans in the loop or generation of alerts.


We offer our clients advisory and consulting services to enable them to advance their RAI journey and become leaders in the space. We assist them in setting up, governing, and managing a dedicated Responsible AI practice. Our offerings called ‘Steer’ aid clients in formulating their strategy and achieving exceptional results via standardized audits and industry certifications. Steer includes:

Responsible AI Practice Setup develops end-to-end RAI practice and adoption across the organization with a mix of frameworks and advisory services. We assist in developing customized best practices, playbooks, capabilities, and policies to implement strong AI governance across the board.

Responsible AI Strategic Advisory Services address AI governance challenges. Our responsible AI consultants create the mechanisms and escalation paths that provide oversight for an RAI program and formulate an overall strategy.

AI Crisis Management helps in designing crisis management protocols and developing proper disaster recovery mechanisms to engage in swift remediation in the event of an unforeseen AI-related crisis.


  • Robust automated model governance process and controls for audits, monitoring, and telemetry
  • Standardized and automated model life cycle management
  • Responsible metrics-driven decision-making in model development and post-deployment monitoring
  • End-to-end service offering by understanding current process maturity, implementing third-party platforms/deploying custom solutions, validating models for risks and standardizing processes
  • Backed by expert consultants who are well versed with regulation, industry, technology, and product trends and have experience in setting up AI COE
  • Leverage global partner alliances for bringing industry best practices and solutions as part of the implementation lifecycle
  • Accelerate responsible innovation by leveraging prebuilt accelerator kits
  • Fast track time to value for building custom responsible AI solutions using industry and function-specific use cases
  • Technology-agnostic custom solution development to address different facets of Responsible AI
  • Practical implementation knowledge based on experience of deploying hundreds of models in production for global clients

Challenges & Solutions

While enforcing Responsible AI, organizations tend to throttle innovation and progress with several manual checks and balances. Our automated technical and policy guardrails ensure that these checks and balances are embedded and enforced as per guidelines seamlessly across the AI lifecycle without the need for major human interventions. These solutions will manually scan your AI systems for any violations, irregularities, and risks and automatically mitigate the majority of the risks or alert human agents. Our offerings and services help transition management to responsible AI by reducing friction and embracing and internalizing RAI principles.

Different technical guardrails might not always be available per the customized AI use-cases, models, data types, and RAI principles. Our offerings offer comprehensive protection for all data types like text, structured data, images, speech, and audio and for all types of AI models, and different use-cases and purposes like detecting bias and enforcing fairness, improving transparency, protecting from security and privacy violations.

Tailoring RAI guidelines to suit the enterprise’s unique needs and complexity, while maintaining consistency and compliance can be daunting. Our offerings are highly customizable and scalable per different industries and business functions.

Continuously monitoring AI applications to ensure compliance with RAI guidelines and enforcing adherence throughout the AI lifecycle can be resource-intensive and complex. AI models and use cases are dynamic and ever-changing. Adapting to evolving regulatory requirements that may change over time necessitates agility and the ability to modify strategies and implementations accordingly. Harmonizing enterprise RAI guidelines with global standards and ensuring consistent adherence across different regions and jurisdictions can be a complex task due to varying regulatory landscapes. Our Infosys offerings continuously monitor the techno-legal landscape for recent threats, vulnerabilities, risks, and policy changes and accordingly adapt the guardrails.